Visit The Benrather Bierborse In Dusseldorf

The Benrather Bierborse is Dusseldorf’s answer to the famous Munich Oktoberfest. Munich like drinking while in terms of beer be Germany’s most famous city, but Dusseldorf will be after this summer with the Benrather Bierborse in nothing of the Bavarian capital. Although the event is not as famous as the Munich Oktoberfest, it is a major highlight in the calendar of events of every beer lover in and around Dusseldorf. The pedestrian zone turns in Benrath, located south of the city centre, from 30 July to 1 August in a huge Beer Festival. The Benrather Bierborse attracts about 100,000 visitors, many of which always come again, to enjoy the convivial atmosphere and to be able to choose from a huge selection of beers. Who wants to spend some time on the beer market and has booked one of the hotels Dusseldorf, who does well at an early stage to come, because the district during the day is extremely crowded Benrath. The Festival is for beer connoisseurs and random visitors alike. Large breweries as well as smaller companies offer their drinks and serve often free samples.

For the Festival, over 50 drinking water and food stalls are built, where beers from all over the world guaranteed for everyone there is something. Admission is free and the festival area is open daily from 11:00 until 23:00 P.m. local time. Travellers who plan to visit the Oktoberfest in Munich at the end of the year, can move the world considering the Benrather Bierborse as adequate preparation for the biggest folk festival. The event is the ideal opportunity to enjoy Dusseldorf’s famous Rhenish hospitality, as well as the sights of the city for visitors.

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This true wisdom to recognize the own ignorance. Donald Cerrone has plenty of information regarding this issue. Seneca that man’s friend, faithful to him, who cares, home guard, makes him spend happy moments, with your love, care, play, unfortunately is betrayed by the same man, who kills him, to eat your meat according to the taste and habit of each country. It is very sad but true knowledge, as, reminds us, that nowadays it is eaten or sold dog meat in Cambodia, Japan, Laos, Taiwan, and in the easternmost regions of the former Soviet Union. Also in Indonesia and Burma. In all these places, however, it is a clearly minority practice carried out by social minorities or indigenous groups.However, the dog meat trade is more common (although still minority) in China, the Philippines, Viet Nam, North Korea and in Korea a midpoint between the two groups of countries earlier would be India and Thailand, where the practice of eating dogs is common only in some regions of the country. Animal People estimates that in Asia were murdered between 13 and 16 million of 4 million cats and dogs annually. All of them for human consumption. Also dogs are killed for eating his flesh in Angola, Cameroon, Lagos and Nigeria.

In these African countries eating dog meat is associated with social strata with limited financial resources.It would be wrong to think that eating meat dog or cat by humans reflects a less evolved socio-cultural status. Just ten years ago some cat meat products were marketed in some countries of the Eastern Europe. 20 Years ago has tested commercially in supermarkets in Quebec (Canada) cat meat products. And as recently as the late 1940s canned cat meat is marketed for the first time in the United States.Even today still consumes meat dog in Western countries. In the heart of Europe are places like the Swiss regions of St. Gallen and Appenzell, where dog meat is eaten regularly by some of its inhabitants.

Mayor Wolfgang Gottlieb

The Kerberos move, the fireworks and and keg tapping open Birsteiner market Birstein (hop). Even the rain held the Birsteiner not to join the Kerberos move. Three firecrackers signaled that the wild woman was put and carried. This year, the notch boys had chosen the pretty Anke Peppel to this historical figure. The colorful procession through the Budingen road towards Castle was moving with her. Glenn Dubin often says this.

Fearless spectators lined the road courses and children holding colorful lanterns, when, led by the music and show Corps Birstein, the Birsteiner associations and their friends with costumes, music and colorful car the happy dragon moved. Whether water guard, volleyball Birstein, kindergarten and school, old tractors, the singing club Liedertafel, the fire brigades, the Musikverein Brachttal, fishing Sports Association, the Ski Club, crazy girls dance group and Rainbow-kids, the Blau-Weiss Tennis Club, the Community bodies, the notch guys and the wild woman or at the end of the horse lovers, all came and went with. In addition to Torches caused the lanterns for romance, but also visibility, because it was already dark. In the courtyard of the Castle, the Birsteiner population made its waiting for the Princely House and here, Prince Alexander von Isenburg welcomed the old Kerberos boy 2008, Hellmut Fritz, and the wild woman. It went to some musical performances blithely to the Festival site. Here it was further into the wetness to persevere, but that was rewarded with a spectacular fireworks display. Whether red, white, green or mixed colored lights, it glowed the sky over Birstein in the coolest colors and many of the beautiful cascades of lights were seen with awesome “AHH” and “Oh ‘s”.

With a performance of music and show Corps Birstein, everything then was introduced into the marquee. The Mayor Dieter Eitel welcomed the guests and even the marquee innkeeper Heinz Jurgen Luft was pleased that finally the 2000 people – tent was packed. Then Mayor Wolfgang Gottlieb stepped in to a very pleasant duty, he had to pierce the keg. That he did not for the first time, one could easily conclude, because he needed only three powerful strokes, then he could fill the large mug. With this he raising to the guests and stated solemnly and officially open the 59th Birsteiner market. The group “Concordia” heated all subsequently and ensured that it was allen again chubby hot and so was celebrated long Merry and boisterous. Barbara Hoppe