
Women exist as much many moments in the life of a person, of men as, in which it is probable that they leave striae, and is at the moment in which measures are due to take to avoid the manifestation of scars. In order to understand how to prevent that this happens, first it must understand how these scars take place. The flexibility of the epidermis can adapt to the slow changes in the volume of its body, but when the size of body changes of dramatic form and the transformation rate exceeds to the elasticity, the epidermis undergoes small tears in the surface. These tears give to reason to scars or striae. You can commonly obtain these scars during the time of his life in which she changes his corporal volume of drastic form by loss of weight associated with an extreme diet, increase of weight during the lost pregnancy or of weights in later of the childbirth, period of growth, physicist culturismo and many other causes more. The essence to prefit the appearance of striae is to do all the possible one to moderate the increase or loss of weight. Some periods of desarroyo can not be under their control, such as I bring forth of growth and some as the gain of weight during the gestation, but some can be handled with their care and hastens. Additionally, it can try to increase the adaptability of the epidermis to improve and to have a good hairdo.

To absorb more water during these periods of the life, when he is more susceptible to the striae, can help to alert the scars much. In that same sense, can to increase ingestion of foods by far contained of water, like melon of water, whereas its consumption of foods and drinks that are dehydrating by nature, like articles with caffein falls. There are some articles in the market constructed to reduce the danger of stria by extension of the epidermis. These often take to natural, mineral vitamins and oils, and enough contain some substances like the butter of cacao or butter of karit.Six categories different from aroma exist that express different moods. If you know favourite of the person marks for whom she buys herself will be a reasonably safe purchase. Luckyly and luckily for us the striae can be eliminated completely of natural form.The method of the Dr. Montanari explains perfectly like desacer itself of the striae for always.To buy personal perfumes or fragrances can be a discouraging task, especially if she is for a friend or a lover. Obvious, when buying in line the real scent of different fragrances cannot be compared.

But, once it has a quite good idea than it is looking for, you can very easily compare diferentesofertas of different marks and suppliers. So, how you know what you are looking for? The following simple steps will limit the search a little. Perfumes and fragrances must adjust to the personality.The essential oils of a perfume react of different way with each different person. Some colonies of mark more are adapted for some personalities that others, and some perfumes are gregarious, others are more reserved. Its election to satisfy the needs with the attitude of the carrier, as well as of behavior, as well as to reflect the state of its relation with the user. For example, you could not buy the same fragrance of his mother she would do since it for a fianc2ee.